Anthony Manfredonia - Styles You Right
If I was to try to describe my dear friend Anthony Manfredonia, words like consummate, indefatigable and tenacious come to mind. William...

Who doesn't love candles, make up and feeling great. It's even better when talking about dreamily scented candles and other creative...

Danielle Sea - Whips Your Hair Back
Danielle Sea is a master with hair. I welcome her as my hair stylist expert on my blog team. I first met her while I was with a friend...

Bao Tranchi: Fiercely, Feminine, Fashion
Vietnam is one of my favourite places in Asia. I am nuts for the food and the fact I can buy anything I can think of and now, because of...

Olivia Barad Makes You Picture Perfect
Olivia Barad is a definite talent to watch. I am so proud to welcome her as a makeup expert on the Tricia Mitchell Media team. This...