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Rocco Ancarola Lavo's Your Sunday

NYC! Home to fashion, food and the best parties in town. Being a proud New Yorker, I know we take these things very seriously. If there is a cool funky new way to do it, we will and we will do it well. Come on! We all know the Big Apple is the place to rage and with so many choices. But we just get more and more picky. Rocco Ancarola has partnered up with the Lavo group to find the perfect cure for that.

Rivera Sundays is the wildest, booty shaking, dance on the tables, belly dancing entertainment around. Picture this. You walk in dressed in head to toe fabulous. Your first step inside Lavo, you are greeted by a character on stilts. Maybe a genie. Maybe a harlequin character. Who knows, it all depends on the theme of the night

Rocco Ancarola, voted in the Top Coolest people in the City (Daily News) is certainly that and his genius cabaret dinner creations do not disappoint. Rocco has run New York’s finest fun, with great parties and lively restaurants, which are remembered worldwide. He has developed and created quite the scene in our great city. He started with Club A, which earned 3 Michelin Stars and went on to open Tuscao, then ran the infamous Mezza Luna. He opened Ciaobella and Boom which had the Calvin Klein, Johnny Depp and Madonna's of the world flocking to it. Lets not forget the super models. Not bad for an Italian South African raised boy. Not bad at all.

His acting enabled him to be so creative with his ventures landing him roles in Oliver Stone’s Wall Street and he played Madonna’s father in her Oh Father video directed by Oscar nominated David Fincher. It’s no wonder that when you’re at Lavo, you are transformed into Rocco's world. You dine and as you look up the sexy Burlesque show is upon you or the Tap Man with the magic feet. As you drink, more and more characters pop up and sachet through the crowd. At this point, I realize I have certainly fallen down the rabbit hole. Delicious dinner is over and the music is in full swing and so am I. So I go ahead and jump up on the tables. Ladies let your freak flag fly. No one is sitting anyway. Bottle after bottle and boogie after boogie. If this was not enough, Rocco hands you the evenings special gifts: hats, balls glowing toys, glitter, who knows! All you know is I am throwing treats from one table to another wiggling with my neighbors. Closest thing to Burning Man, but not an inch of sand around or at least not tonight. You’re not stopping even if the sun comes up. This is no ordinary restaurant.

The Rocco Show is my favourite part of the evening. He and his minions clear a path in the air and rock till they can't stop to a few 100 of his closest friends. Always a surprise and you just never know what is going to happen in the Rocco Show. Being “The Man”, takes on a whole new meaning at Rocco’s parties. We all saw the party scenes in Wolf of Wall Street. In reality, Jordon Belfort knew to call up his buddy Rocco to get all the hotties in check when he had guests to his mansion.

With a life like this, he should write a book and he is. Titled, Stories From The Heart - The journey of a white South African boy from the jungle to the big city. I can already see the movie which is being developed too. So next time you’re in The Apple on a Sunday evening thinking you have nothing do. Hop over to Riviera Sundays at Lavo and say hi to Rocco. Your sure to have the time of your life. P.S tell him Tricia sent you.


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